Suspended Periods (tffam7120m000)

Use this session to specify periods that are suspended. An asset is suspended based on its frequency. Each frequency offers you the ability to identify periods which must be suspended each year. During those periods, depreciation for the assets does not accumulate and the current recovery period does not increment.

Asset depreciation does not accumulate during a suspended period, the current recovery period does not increment, and no other transactions can be carried out against this asset book.

Suspended periods are ignored for assets that use either MACRS table or ACRS table depreciation methods in Federal Tax books. They are also ignored in the ADR book if they are ADR assets. If you want to use MACRS or ACRS depreciation methods for assets with suspended periods, you must use MACRS formula or ACRS formula methods.

UOP methods ignore suspended periods. The life of an asset using a UOP method is not dictated by time, but is really based on the units that the user enters. For a UOP asset it would not make sense to have a suspendend period as an asset suspended from use would not be accumulating units used during that time.


Depreciation Frequency
Determines when depreciation is calculated and recorded.
Depreciation Frequency
The description or name of the code.
Lists all periods for the selected calendar.
Indicates whether the period is suspended.