Value Status

  • Finalized

    LN will select the values defined in the sessions started from Transactions (tfgld1101m000), according to the selected transaction type. Finalized values are those that are limited to a tranasaction type for which the Global Selection of Batches for Finalization (tfgld1210m000) session has been run.

  • Finalized and Not Finalized

    LN will also select values defined in the sessions started from Transactions (tfgld1101m000), that is, both finalized and non-finalized values. Non-finalized values result from transactions for transaction types that have either the Batch Processing or the End of Session update method, and for which the Global Selection of Batches for Finalization (tfgld1210m000) session has not yet been run.

  • Variable

    This option, which is only available in the Statement Columns (tffst1105m000) session, allows you to set the Value Status to Select field in the Process Financial Statement Values (tffst1249m000) session to Finalized or Finalized and Not Finalized.

  • Not Applicable