Monthly Billing Invoice Status

  • Generated

    You have generated or manually created the monthly billing invoice in the Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000) session. You can enter or change the monthly billing invoice details if no invoices are linked to the monthly billing invoice. You can add or remove invoices from the monthly billing invoice.

  • Confirmed

    You have confirmed the monthly billing invoice in the Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000) session. You cannot add or remove invoices from the monthly billing invoice. You can print a final invoice to send to your customers. If required, you can reverse the confirmation and change the status to Generated.

  • Printed

    You have printed a final invoice in the Print Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4401m000) session. You cannot change the status or make any changes to the monthly billing invoice. If required, you can reprint the final invoice. In the Archive / Delete Fully Paid Sales Invoices (tfacr2260m000) session, you can delete the invoices linked to the monthly billing invoice. In the Remove Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr2261m000) session, you can remove the monthly billing invoice.

  • Deleted

    You have used the Set MBI status to Deleted command in the Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000) session. LN has removed the invoices that were linked to the monthly billing invoice. You can click Delete to delete the monthly billing invoice.

  • Not Applicable

    The monthly billing invoice does not have any of these statuses.