Assign Unallocated/Advance Receipts to Invoices (tfcmg2105s000)

Use this session to assign the advance or unallocated receipt amount to sales invoices.

You can also transfer an unallocated receipt to an advance receipt, or assign an unallocated or advance receipt to other unallocated and advance receipts. For example, to settle an advance receipt, you can create an advance receipt with a negative amount and assign it to the advance receipt. The documents must use the same currency and currency rate.

You can select a number of invoices to assign the advance receipt amount to. If you use the cash flow statement functionality, either all or none of the selected invoices must have a cash flow reason attached to them.

If you selected the Receipts Against Shipments check box in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session, LN displays the shipment details of the shipment to which the invoice is related. You need this information if you apply monthly billing invoices.

If the invoice-to business partner is a factor, all the factored invoices are selected for advance receipts.


Remaining Amount
The receipt amount that you can still assign.

LN displays the balance amount to be allocated.

The currency of the advance/unallocated receipt.
If this check box is selected, the amount is selected for assignment.
Assignment Type
The indication on how the unallocated/advance amount is written off.
The company in which you created the sales invoice.
Invoice-to Business Partner
The business partner to which you send invoices. This usually represents a customer's accounts payable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about the customer's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-by business partner.
The transaction type part of the invoice document.
The series and document number part of the invoice document.
The line number of the invoice document.
Schedule Number
The payment schedule line number.

If you use receipts against shipments, this number indicates the shipment.

Document Date
The date on which the invoice is created, used to calculate terms of credit, due dates, and discounts.
Due Date
In LN, the date that a payment or receipt is required.
Invoice Amount
The total amount of the invoice.
The currency of the invoice amount.

Related topics

Balance in Invoice Currency
The amount of the invoice which must still be paid.
Amount to Assign in Bank Currency
The amount you want to assign.
Amount to Assign in Invoice Currency
Amount to Assign in Home Currency
The amount you want to assign in the home currency.
One of a company's base currencies in which LN registers and reports amounts.

In a multicurrency system, up to three home currencies can be defined:

Payment Discount in Invoice Currency
The invoice's discount amount.

if the Block Discount Exceeding Tolerance check box is selected in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session, you cannot enter or accept a discount that exceeds the discount percentages defined in the Payment Terms (tcmcs0113s000) session.

Payment Discount in Home Currency
The invoice's discount amount in the home currency.
Discount Date
The invoice's discount date.
Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency
The amount of late-payment surcharge.
Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency
The amount of late-payment surcharge in the home currency.
Late Payment Surcharge Date
The date of the late-payment surcharge.
Payment Difference in Invoice Currency

The payment difference amount and the percentage must both fall within the tolerances defined in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session or specifically for you in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session.

Payment Difference in Home Currency
The payment difference in the home currency.
Factoring Commission in Invoice Currency
The factoring commission amount.

The default factoring commission depends on the values entered for the Commission on Partial Payments in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session. You can change the amount.

Factoring Commission Amount in Home Currency
The factoring commission in the home currency.
Cash Flow Reason
The cash flow reason of the transaction.

Related topics

Transaction Reference
The reference text.
The problem code.

Related topics

If this check box is selected, the invoice is doubtful.
Shipment Details
The shipment to which the invoice is related.
Logistic Company
The logistic company in which the shipment was created.
The sales order to which the invoice is related.
The sales order line to which the invoice is related.
Sequence No.
The sales order line consists of multiple entries, this is the sequence number of the entry to which the invoice is related.
Order origin
The type of goods or service for which the invoice was created.
Item Details
For a project invoice, this field displays the project to which the invoice is related.
The item to which the invoice is related.
Delivered Quantity
The quantity to which the invoice is related.
The unit in which the quantity is expressed
Customer Order
The customer's order number.
Customer Order Position
The line number on the customer's order.
Customer Order Sequence
The sequence number on the customer's order.


Process Assignment(s)
Assigns the receipt amount to the selected invoices and finalizes the batch.
Assignments on Advance/Unallocated Receipts
Displays the assignment lines during the assignment process.