One-Time Business Partner's Address (tfcmg1508m000)

Use this session to list the one-time business partner addresses, which you can maintain in the One-Time Business Partner Addresses (tfcmg1108s000) details session.


If you have started this session by zooming, you can select the following values in the Payment Type field:

  • Standing Order
  • Stand-alone Payment
  • Advance Payment
  • Unallocated Payment

If you use this session as a new session, you can select only a Standing Order.


Payment Type
Select the payment type.
Business Partner
The order number of the
  • Standing Order
  • Stand-alone Payment
  • Advance Payment
  • Unallocated Payment
Bank Account
The business partner's bank account number.
Bank Branch
The business partner's bank.
GEO Code
The GEO code of the business partner's address.