Automatic Process Defaults by Bank/Payment-Receipt Method (tfcmg1191m000)

Use this session to store and maintain payment defaults for supplier payments, specific to a combination of bank and payment method.

During an uninterrupted payment run, the payment process does not stop to ask for user information. Instead LN uses the defaults that are maintained in this session and in the Automatic Process Defaults (tfcmg1190m000) sessions.


Payment Process Default ID
Select a payment-process default identification code for which you want to specify the default Automatic Process Defaults by Bank/Payment-Receipt Method (tfcmg1191m000).
Select the pay-from bank relation to which the payment defaults are related.
Payment/Receipt Method
The payment method to which the defaults are related.

You cannot select payment/receipt methods of the Trade Note kind for automatic payment/direct debit processes.

Use Current DateasTransaction Date
If this check box is selected, the current date is used as date for making the payments.
Transaction Date
This field is enabled only if you do not select the Use Current DateasTransaction Date check box.

In this case, you must specify the payment date.

Use Next Available Check
If this check box is selected,, the next available check number is used for processing the payments.

This field is only enabled if the Use Check Master check box in the Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000) session is selected.

Starting Check
Enter the check number.

You can only access this field if the Use Next Available Check check box is not selected.

Senders Identification
Select the user making the payments.
File Identification
Enter the identification code of the payment file.
Fixed Description
Enter the description linked to payment transfer.
Device for Payments/Receipts
Select the output device code number used to print payment reports.
Device for Additional Report
Select the output device code number used to print additional payment reports.
Physical Document Attached (Norma 32)
If this check box is selected, it indicates that a physical trade note is enclosed along with the Norma 32 file, when it is sent to bank.

Related topics

Overwrite Existing Files
If this check box is selected, existing files are overwritten while printing.


Generate Defaults
If you choose this command, defaults are generated for all possible combinations of banks and payment methods.