Payment Advice Lines (tfcmg1101m000)

Use this session to maintain payment advice for open items.

You can include multiple unallocated payments and multiple advance payments in the payment advice. The composing criteria must be unique. LN generates sequence numbers for the unallocated payments and advance payments.

If you select a purchase invoice for payment, LN searches for unassigned advance and unallocated payments and credit notes for the business partner of the invoice. If such documents exist, LN displays a warning. From the appropriate menu, select Unassigned Open Entries to display the available documents.

Payment authorization

You can only add purchase invoices to the payment advice if these conditions are fulfilled:

  • The invoice has the Approved status.
  • The Approved for Payment field of the invoice is Yes or Not Applicable.
  • No hold reason is linked to the invoice.

You cannot enter payment differences and discount amounts that exceed the amounts defined in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session, or for which you are authorized in the Payment Authorizations (tfcmg1100m000) session.


Payment Batch
Enter the payment batch to generate a payment advice.
Invoice-from Business Partner
The business partner that sends invoices to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about your organization's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-to business partner.
Original Company
Select the company used for transactions related to the payment batch and invoice-from business partner entered in the Payment Batch and Invoice-from Business Partner fields.
Type of Advice
Select a payment advice type.
Bank Reference
If you use bank reference numbers, this is the bank reference number of the invoice.
Enter a transaction type and document number of the selected invoice or credit note.

You cannot select trade note documents because for trade notes, the payment advice lines can be split into payment advice lines for lower amounts, but standing orders, stand-alone payments, and subcontracting invoices cannot be split.

You get an invoice number by linking the transaction type to the document.

The invoice number is used to create the payment advice.

Related topics

The unique document number that identifies an invoice in a particular transaction type.
The payment schedule line number.

If you use receipts against shipments, this number indicates the shipment.

The sequence number indicates the standing order line to which the payment advice refers.

If you include multiple unallocated payments or multiple advance payments, this field displays the sequence numbers of the advance or unallocated payments that you include in the payment advice.

The advance payment category.

If you selected the Allow Advance Payment Category check box in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session and the posting method is Advance Payment, you must select a category.

For details, refer to Advance Payment Categories.

If this check box is selected, the invoice belongs to the subcontracting order.

The invoice belongs to a subcontracting invoice if the following applies:

  • The buy-from business partner selected is a subcontractor.
  • Subcontracting master data is present for the business partner in the Subcontractors (tfacp3510m000) session.
Amount Details
Amount Details
Pay-to Business Partner
The business partner to whom you pay invoices. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the supplier's bank relation, the number of days within which you must pay the invoices, and if the business partner uses a factoring company.
Original Pay-to BP
The pay-to business partner of the open entry.
Select the currency used to make payments.
The rate used to exchange the transaction currency to the home currency.
Amount to be paid

The amount to be paid for the following:

  • Invoices: the open balance
  • Standing orders: the amount due
  • Miscellaneous: no default value

You can convert the amount in the invoices and standing orders to the currency specified in the Currency field.

You can modify this amount if you want to create a payment advice for only business partner specified in the Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Balance Amount
The open invoice amount.
The currency in which the invoice amount is expressed.
Amount in Invoice Currency
The invoice amount.
Amount In
The invoice amount expressed in the home currency.
The home currency to which the invoice amount is converted.

From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Late Payment Surcharge

Late payment surcharge is calculated using the percentage linked to the invoice in:

Amount In
The late payment surcharge in the home currency.
The amount expressed in home currency.
The invoice's discount amount.

if the Block Discount Exceeding Tolerance check box is selected in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session, you cannot enter or accept a discount that exceeds the discount percentages defined in the Payment Terms (tcmcs0113s000) session.

Amount In
The invoice's discount amount in the home currency.
Payment Difference
The payment difference amount.
Amount In
The payment difference, expressed in one of your home currencies. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.
Factoring Commission in
The factoring commission amount.

The default factoring commission depends on the values entered for the Commission on Partial Payments in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session. You can change the amount.

The currency in which the amount is expressed.
Amount In
The factoring commission amount expressed in the home currency.
The factoring commission amount expressed in a different currency.
Tax Details
Tax Country/Code

You can access this field if you select:

  • Advance Payment in the Type of Advice field.
  • The Calculate Tax on Advance Payments/Receipts check box in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session.

In the Minimum Amount for Tax Calculation field in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session, indicate the minimum amount for charging tax in case of advance payments.

If this amount specified in the Minimum Amount for Tax Calculation field is less than the advance amount, enter the tax country or tax code.


The tax data must apply to the financial transaction for which you want to create a payment advice.

Group Tax Code
A tax code that represents multiple individual tax codes. If more than one tax code applies to a transaction, you can link a group tax code to the transaction.

For example, a group tax code can contain tax codes for:

  • Value added tax
  • Withholding income tax
  • Withholding social contribution
Tax Amount in Payment Currency
Enter the tax amount.

You can only access this field if the Tax Country/Code field contains a value.

Reference Details
Variable Symbol
The 10 digit numeric code that represents the reference to the payment information, which is to match the payment to credit, contract or payer.
  • This field is visible only if the Functionality for Czech Republic or Functionality for Slovakia check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
  • This value is defaulted with first ten digits of the Supplier Invoice number, if the Supplier Invoice is specified in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.
Specific Symbol
The 10 digit numeric code that represents the classification of incoming payments.

This field is visible only if the Functionality for Czech Republic or Functionality for Slovakia check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Constant Symbol
The 4 digit numeric code that represents the purpose for payment.
  • This value is defaulted from the Business Partner (tccom4100s000) session.
  • This field is visible only if the Functionality for Czech Republic or Functionality for Slovakia check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.
Enter the reference text which will be printed in the payment advice.
Registration Document Number
The document number (such as a supplier payment identification) registered with the bank transactions for advanced payments.
  • This filed is applicable only if:
    • the Functionality for Slovakia and/or Functionality for Czech Republic check boxes are selected Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session and
    • the Calculate Tax on Advance Payments/Receipts check box is selected in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session.
  • The value in this field contains a maximum of thirty characters.
  • This value can be modified only if the Type of Advice is set to Advance Payment.
Payment/Bank Details
Payment Details
Payment Agreement
A way to define how invoice amounts must be paid. This includes the payment methods that apply to various parts of the invoice amount, and the payment currency.

For example, you can define a payment agreement to pay the first part of the invoice amount through the bank according to payment method PM1, 40 percent of the remaining amount, according to payment method PM2, and the other 60 percent according to payment method PM3, which can be a trade note payable.

Payment Method
Select a payment method code attached to the payment batch.
Planned Payment Date
The date on which the amount defined in the Amount to be paid field is paid.

You can give a default payment date to the invoices and credit notes in:

Type of Payment
A code that indicates the type of payment.

The bank needs the type of payment indicator to handle the payment order correctly. You define a code for each type of payment in the Type of Payment (tfcmg0504m000) session.

Related topics

Reason for Payment
Use the browse arrow to select a reason for payment specified in the Reasons for Payment (tfcmg0130m000) session.
Additional Description
The code for the description of the reason for payment in a foreign currency. The additional description is a requirement for Nordic bank files.

If you register a purchase invoice, you can enter a reason for payment. If additional descriptions are linked to the reason for payment, LN displays the default additional description code. You can change the additional description code.

Bank Details
Select a bank relation to be attached to this payment advice.
A bank account of your company.
International Bank Account Number. An international standard account identifier for identifying an account held by a financial institution, in order to facilitate automated processing of cross border transactions. The IBAN is provided by the bank/branch servicing the account.
Business Partner Bank
Select the bank relation of the pay-to-business partner to generate a payment advice.
The business partner's bank account.
The business partner's international bank account number.
Bank Charges
The additional cost incurred by the bank while processing the transactions.
The first dimension to which the transaction must be posted.
Dimension Description for Dimension Type 2
The second dimension to which the transaction must be posted.
Dimensions 3 - 12
The other dimensions to which the transaction must be posted.
Dimension Description
The description of the dimensions.
Trade Note Details
TNP Number
if the payment advice is related to a trade note payable (TNP), this is the trade note number.
Cash Flow Reason
The cash flow reason of the transaction.

Related topics

Withholding Tax
Withholding Tax of type On Payment
Net Amount Payable to Business Partner
The net payable invoice amount.
Withholding Income Tax
Withholding Social Contribution
Social Contribution Company Expense