Payment/Receipt Methods (tfcmg0540m000)

Use this session to list the payment methods, which you can view and maintain in the Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000) details session.


Payment/Receipt Method
You must enter the payment/receipt method code. The code identifies the data that applies to a certain payment method.
This field indicates whether the payment method refers to a Payment or to a Receipt.
Kind of Payment/Receipt
The type of payment or receipt of the payment/receipt method. The type of payment or receipt determines how LN will process the payment or the receipt.
IBAN Account Required
If this check box is selected, LN checks whether a creditor's or debtor's IBAN is available when a payment or direct debit advice is audited.

The audit is one of the first steps of the payment and direct debit process. If an IBAN is missing, a report is printed specifying for which creditor or debtor the IBAN is missing.

Use IBAN Account
If this check box is selected, LN uses the bank's international bank account number for payments and direct debits.

If this check box is cleared, LN uses the business partner's bank account number for payments and direct debits.

You can define the international bank account number and/or the business partner's bank account number in the following sessions:

  • Bank Account by Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4125s000)
  • Bank Account by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4115s000)


Trade Note Posting Data by Payment/Receipt Method
Starts the Trade Note Posting Data by Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0514m000) session, which you can use to define specific posting data for the payment /receipt method. If you select the Trade Notes check box in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session and the Kind of Payment/Receipt is Trade Note, this command is available.
Generate Trade Note Posting Scheme
For a trade note type for which the Posting Scheme by BP Group check box and the Replace Invoice by Trade Note check box are selected in the Trade Note Types (tfcmg0516m000) session, this command generates the posting scheme for the payment/receipt method according to the ledger accounts defined for the business partner group in the Accounts by Financial BP Group (tfacr0110m100) session.
Delete Trade Note Posting Scheme
Deletes the posting scheme for the payment/receipt method that you generated earlier.
Bank Priorities by Payment Method and Currency
Starts the Bank Priorities by Payment Method and Currency (tfcmg0121m000) session. Use this session to define the priorities of bank relations in the bank assignment process.
Assignment Criteria by Payment Method and Bank Relation
Starts the Assignment Criteria by Payment Method and Bank Relation (tfcmg0122m000) session. Use this session to define the criteria LN uses to assign bank relations to a batch with a specific payment method or receipt methods.