Posting Data by Bank/Payment Method (tfcmg0146s000)

Use this session to define the ledger accounts used to post the transactions for the bank/payment method specified in Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000) and Data by Bank/Payment Method (tfcmg0145s000) sessions.


Enter the bank relation linked to the payment method to define the posting data.
Payment/Receipt Method
The payment/receipt method is linked to the bank relation selected in the Bank Relation field to define the posting data.
Payment/Receipt Procedure Step
Enter the processing stage of a document linked to the Bank Relation and Payment/Receipt method.

Different transactions are linked to each stage.

Sequence No.
The sequence number indicates the number of posting data that belong to the selected step in the receipt/payment procedure.

LN increases sequence number by default.

Account Type
The account type indicates the type of ledger account used for posting while processing the following steps.
Debit or Credit
Select the Credit or Debit option. This option is used while creating a transaction.
Ledger Account
This field is enabled if the Account Type field is set to Input. Enter a ledger account that is linked to the selected account type.
Enter the Dimensions.

Allowed values

  • Use the dimension settings (mandatory, optional, or not used) to enter the values in this field.
Amount Type
Specify the type of amount to be posted to the ledger account.
Post in case of Journal
If this check box is selected, the transaction is posted.

LN automatically enters the value in this check box.

Choose the account to post the deductions.