Purchase Contract Change Request Line (tdpur3601m100)

Use this session to view, specify, and update the purchase contract line details of a change request for an original (actual) purchase contract line.

You can start this session by clicking Contract Line Details on the appropriate menu of the Purchase Contract Change Request Lines (tdpur3101m400) session. The purchase contract change request line and change request line details are displayed on one screen.

How to use this session

This session provides a side to side view of the field values for the original contract line (on the left) and for the change request line (on the right). You can update a selection of fields for the change request. The availability of fields depends on the status of the actual purchase contract.

Because this session is a copy of the original contract line in the Purchase Contract Line (tdpur3601m000) session, refer to the Help of that session for an explanation of the fields. In this session, only the fields that are unique or different for the change request are explained.


The lines on the tabs refer to these sessions:


The number that identifies the change request.
The number of the purchase contract change request line.
If this check box is selected, the original contract line detail is terminated (after approving and processing the change request).

Click Terminate on the appropriate menu to select this check box.


Selects the Terminated check box and terminates the original contract line detail (after approving and processing the change request).
Reopens a contract (change request) line detail with the Terminated status. After the change request is approved and processed, the purchase contract line detail is set to Active.