Print Purchase Contract Termination Letters (tdpur3406m000)

Use this session to print a termination letter for all terminated contracts.

You can also print a termination letter for contract lines of not yet terminated contracts.


You can select a range of contracts or specific contracts for which you can print a termination letter. To print termination letters for specific contracts, click Specific Contracts. The Enter Specific Purchase Contract Numbers (tdpur3820s000) session is started in which you can select up to 10 contracts to print a termination letter for.

If you want to print a termination letter for another selection of contracts, click Reset Selection to remove the selection you made in the Enter Specific Purchase Contract Numbers (tdpur3820s000) session. To make a new selection, click Specific Contracts.


Include All Terminated Lines of Not Terminated Contracts
If this check box is selected, a termination letter is printed for all terminated contract lines of not yet terminated contracts.

If this check box is cleared, contracts with a header status and line status(es) set to Terminated, are printed.

Print to predefined Device
If this check box is selected, the report is printed on your default printer.

If this check box is cleared, the report is printed on an alternative, to be specified printer.