RFQ Compare Responses (tdpur1600m100)

Use this session to compare and rank response lines.

You can select and compare the related response lines using these sessions:

  • Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000)
  • RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000)
  • RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000)

Only response lines with the Responded, Negotiating, or Accepted status can be compared.


The lines on the tabs refer to these sessions:


The RFQ Compare Responses Based on Criteria Set (tdpur1511m000) and RFQ Compare Responses Based on Criteria Set Grouped by Bidder (tdpur1511m200) sessions are displayed only if a criteria set is specified for the RFQ in the Requests for Quotation Overview (tdpur1501m000) session.


A purchasing document that is used as a request to bidders to submit their terms, such as price, discount, delivery time, and payment terms for delivering a (quantity of a) product.

You can send the RFQ to several bidders. A bidder can submit an RFQ response for the specified items.

You can record the responses, negotiate, and compare the prices and discounts that are offered by different bidders.

An accepted response can be copied to a contract, an order, or a price book.

Criteria Set
Includes request for quotation (RFQ) criteria and can be linked to an RFQ header. Response lines are compared and ranked based on the objective and subjective criteria in the criteria set.
Apply Payment Terms Discount for Price Comparison
If this check box is selected, the prices and scores of the lines that are compared can include a payment terms discount.


RFQ Compare Responses History
Only Accepted Responses
Displays and compares the response lines with the Accepted status.
Recalculate Comparisons
Recalculates the scores and prices for the lines that are compared.

Use this option if the Score Actual field is No for the lines in the comparison sessions.