RFQ Negotiation History (tdpur1559m000)

Use this session to view RFQ negotiation history by negotiation line.


The history is automatically updated if the Log RFQ History check box is selected in the Request for Quotation Parameters (tdpur0100m100) session.


Transaction Date
The date on which the order is changed and/or written to the history file. For each change, LN inserts a new line and a new transaction date. This applies to any type of order.

Among other things, the transaction date is important for:

  • Scheduling
  • Statistics
  • Determining due dates and currency exchange rates
History Action
The action that caused the logging of the negotiation line history record.

Allowed values

  • Created
  • Changed
  • Canceled
  • Deleted
Login Code
The user who logged the transaction.


Response Price and Discounts
Counter Proposal Price and Discounts
Negotiation Notes
Starts the Notes (tcstl1550m000) session.
Last Entry per Negotiation Line
If this command is marked, only the last transaction is displayed for the negotiation line. Therefore, each negotiation line is displayed once.