Print Purchase RFQ Response Additional Information Differences (tdpur1426m000)

Use this session to print the differences between the additional information fields of RFQ responses and related RFQ lines or project contract line(s).

Additional information can be compared between RFQ responses and project contract lines only if the RFQ response has a linked peg distribution. Each peg in the peg distribution is compared with the RFQ response. Consequently, a line can be displayed more than once in a report. Additional information fields with matching content are not displayed.


Using this session, buyers can determine if additional information is incomplete or redundant and must be manually modified.


Exclude Internal Fields
If this check box is selected, fields that are marked as internal in the additional information definition, are not compared/printed.

Additional information definitions are specified in the Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000) session.

Compare with
Select the document for which the additional information is compared with the information on the RFQ responses.