Generate Requests for Quotation (tdpur1220m000)

Use this session to generate requests for quotation (RFQs) for a range of items and/or item groups.


If you select the Based on Approved Supplier List check box, LN retrieves the bidders who are approved for the specific item from the Approved Supplier List (tdipu0110m200) session.


Criteria Set
Select the RFQ criteria set that you want to link to the generated RFQs.
RFQ Date
The date on which the request for quotation is specified.

Default value

The default RFQ date is the system date.

Receipt Date
The date the items for which you send a request for quotation, are scheduled to be delivered. The items are scheduled to be delivered when the bidder submits a response line that is accepted by your company.

When you copy the RFQ in the Convert RFQs (tdpur1202m000) session, the delivery date is copied to a purchase order, purchase contract, or price book. The delivery date is copied after you accepted the bidder's response line.

An endeavor with a specific objective to be met within the prescribed time and financial limitation, and that has been assigned for definition or execution.
The smallest part of an element structure. An element is used to define the (structure of the) work of the project, so that you can carry it out.
The smallest part of the activity structure used for a time-scaled budget. An entity that is used to represent a part of a project in an activity structure.

LN distinguishes these activity types:

  • WBS Element
  • Control Account
  • Work Package
  • Planning Package
  • Milestone
Based on Approved Supplier List
If this check box is selected, RFQs are generated for bidders who are approved for the specific item.

You can approve bidders (buy-from business partners) for a specific item in the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.

Fill Purchase Office in RFQ
If this check box is selected, a purchase office is defaulted to the generated RFQs.
RFQ Series
Select the request for quotation (RFQ) series for which you want to generate the RFQs.
Maximum Number of Items
The maximum number of items in the given range for which you want to generate a request for quotation (RFQ).

If the maximum number of items is exceeded, a new RFQ is created.

Maximum Number of Bidders
The maximum number of bidders that you want to link to the request for quotation (RFQ).
  • If you enter a range of bidders and the maximum number of bidders is exceeded, the RFQ is only linked to the number of bidders that you specify in this field.
  • If you select bidders from an approved source list, the maximum number of bidders is linked to the item. Therefore, if you link a number of bidders to an RFQ, the maximum number of bidders will not necessarily match the value in this field. This is because each item can have a different number of approved suppliers and the maximum number of bidders is limited by the item and not by the RFQ. Each line on an RFQ can therefore have a different maximum number of suppliers.


Reset Selection
Deletes the selection you entered. You can make a new selection.