CRM – examples of selection expressions

If you create a selection expression in the Selections (tdsmi0170m000) session, you use the Text Editor to create an expression.

Examples of alphanumeric expressions
(R, color) = "red"attribute is alphanumeric
tccom100.bpid = "JOHNSON"table field is alphanumeric


(R, contents) = 1attribute is numeric
tccom110.umsp = 2table field is numeric


(R, contents) IN (10,100) (110,200)

The value of the attribute must be greater than or equal to 10 and less than or equal to 100 OR greater than or equal to 110 and less than or equal to 200.

Examples of string expressions
^beginning of the string
$end of the string
.any character
*0 or more times the previous character
()one of the characters between (), e.g. (abcd123) or (a-z)
(^)any sign other than, e.g. (^XYZ0-9)
""double quote within a string



  • "abcdefg" IN "def" = TRUE
  • "abcdefg" IN "^def$" = FALSE
  • "abcdefg" IN "^a" = TRUE
  • "abcdefg" IN "^b" = FALSE
  • "abcdefg" IN "g$" = TRUE

Alternative: (R,...) IN "abcde"

Meaning: all attributes are checked for the presence of the string "abcde"

Priority in expressions

Arithmetic operators have a higher priority than relational operators. The latter have a higher priority than logical operators.

The priority sequence for arithmetic operators is: * / ¥ + -

The priority sequence for logical operators is: not and or

Round brackets ("()") can be used to change the priority sequence for arithmetic and logical operators. For example, 3 + 4 * 5 = 23 and (3 + 4) * 5 = 35