Inventory Check Moment

  • Never

    Inventory is not checked and shortages are not replenished. Therefore, during order entry, the Order Promising Status for lines of this order type is always set to Accepted.

    However, if the CTP Check for Sales check box is selected in the Planning Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session and insufficient inventory is available, lines with this Inventory Check Moment are handled similar to lines with the Inventory Check Moment set to Order Entry.

  • Order Entry

    Inventory is checked during order entry.

    If an inventory shortage appears to exist, the following are applicable:

    • If an automatic inventory shortage action is defined for the order type, LN automatically tries to solve the shortage during order entry.
    • If no automatic inventory shortage action is defined for the order type, the Inventory Shortage Menu (tdsls4830s000) session is started during manual order entry. To solve the inventory shortage, click an option in the list. For automatically generated orders, this session is not started.

    During order entry, the Order Promising Status for lines of this order type is set to Accepted or Not Accepted.

  • Batch

    Inventory is checked by means of a batch session or engine.

    The type of inventory check determines how inventory is checked and shortages are resolved.

    • External OPS check
      Inventory is checked and shortages are resolved externally by SCM Order Promiser.
    • ATP/CTP check or Inventory check by Warehousing
      Inventory is checked in the Check Inventory Sales Orders (tdsls4217m000) session.
    • If an inventory shortage appears to exist and an automatic inventory shortage action is defined for the order type, LN automatically tries to solve the shortage.

    After checking the inventory, the Order Promising Status for lines of this order type is set to Accepted, Not Accepted, or Exception.