Reconcile status

  • Created
    • The sales schedule reconciliation record or shipped cumulative record is created and you have not yet received your business partner's received CUM and last receipt quantity for the concerned shipment.
    • The shipped cumulative record is created and you have not yet received an external component's shipped CUM for the concerned shipment.
    • The invoiced cumulative record is created.
  • Matched
    • You received your business partner's received CUM and last receipt quantity for the concerned shipment and these quantities are equal to your shipped CUM and shipped quantity.
    • The shipped CUM and CUM reset date that you received from an external component are equal to your shipped CUM and CUM reset date.
    • If a shipped cumulative record has the Synchronize status, the previous record is set to Matched.
  • Dispute

    You received your business partner's received CUM and last receipt quantity for the concerned shipment and these quantities are unequal to your shipped CUM and shipped quantity.

  • Reconciled

    You discussed the difference between your business partner's received CUM and your shipped CUM, and as a result you have adjusted the received CUM to equal the shipped CUM.

  • Adjusted

    You discussed the difference between your business partner's received CUM and your shipped CUM, and as a result you have adjusted the shipped CUM to equal the received CUM.

  • Reset
    • The sales schedule cumulative record or the sales schedule authorization record are reset in the Reset Cumulatives (tdsls3230m000) session.
    • The CUM reset date that you received from an external component is later than your CUM reset date, and as a result the sales schedule cumulative record or sales schedule authorization record are reset.
  • Adjusted and Reconciled

    You discussed the difference between your business partner's received CUM and your shipped CUM, and as a result you have adjusted the shipped CUM and the received CUM.

  • Matched (forced)
    • The received CUM and last receipt quantity that you received from your business partner for the concerned shipment are unequal to your shipped CUM and shipped quantity, but a later entry has already received the status Matched.
    • If a sales schedule reconciliation record has the status Dispute, and its shipped CUM is updated as a result of adjusting previous records with the Dispute status, the current record is set to Matched (forced) if, after correction, quantities match.
  • Matched (no feedback)
    • You have not yet received your business partner's received CUM and last receipt quantity for the concerned shipment, but a later entry has already received the status Matched or Reconciled. The received CUM and last receipt quantity remain zero.
    • You have not yet received an external component's shipped CUM for the concerned shipment, but a later entry has already received the status Matched.
  • Synchronize

    The shipped CUM that you received from an external component is unequal to your shipped CUM , and as a result your shipped CUM is adjusted with a correction value to equal the external component's shipped CUM.