Currency for posting to Finance

  • Company

    LN uses the home currency on invoices.

  • Relation

    LN uses the currency that is linked to:

    • The sold-to business partner if the relation type is set to Customer.
    • The buy-from business partner if the relation type is set to Supplier.
    • The order if the relation type is set to Employee.
  • Sales Order

    LN uses the order currency on invoices.

    You can only select this value if the Relation Type is set to Customer or Supplier, because invoices are only generated for customers (rebates) and suppliers (commissions).

  • Agreement

    LN uses the currency as defined in the Commission Agreements (tdcms0135m000)/ Rebate Agreements (tdcms0135m100) sessions on invoices and converts other currencies to this agreement currency.