The identification code for the LN user. This code is used
for system security.
Terms and Conditions - Search Results Log (tctrm2151m200)Use this session to view the following for a specific terms and conditions group:
You can start this session from the appropriate menu of the following sessions:
Note You can initiate the search process from the following sessions:
User The identification code for the LN user. This code is used
for system security. Test Number The sequence number of the search test from the Terms and Conditions - Searches (tctrm2150m000) session. Terms The terms and conditions group for which the
terms and conditions are displayed. Logging Date The date and time the terms and conditions are
retrieved. Sequence The sequence number of the logged search result. Terms and Conditions ID An agreement between business partners about the sale,
purchase, or transfer of goods, in which you can define detailed terms and
conditions about orders, schedules, planning, logistics, invoicing, and demand
pegging, and define the search mechanism to retrieve the correct terms and
conditions. The agreement includes the following:
Search Level A priority level for searching and selecting a terms and
conditions line. Search levels include a selection of search attributes
(fields) and linked terms and conditions groups. Position The number used to identify the position of the terms and conditions line on the terms and conditions agreement or the terms and conditions template. Effective Date The first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The
effective date often includes the effective time. Type of Record The type of record logged for a specific terms and conditions group as a result of the
search simulation process. Allowed values Information This field displays a validation or simulation message with
detailed information on the Type of Record field.
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