Labor Type - Surcharges (tcppl0131m000)

Use this session to enter surcharge rates for each labor type (one with the Regular Time hour type and one with the Overtime hour type), and their effectivity periods.

In the overview session, you can do the following:

  • To find the labor type for which you want to enter or view the surcharge rates, use the Group buttons.
  • To enter new surcharge rates for a labor type, on the File menu, click New.
  • To view the existing surcharge rates, double-click an effective date. The Labor Type - Surcharges (tcppl0131m000) details session starts.

If the Object Data Management (DM) check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, LN enters the following data in the corresponding fields of the Labor Type - Surcharges (tcppl0131m000) details session when you approve a change order in the Change Management module:

  • The effective change order number.
  • The effective date.
  • The expiry change order number.
  • The expiry date.

Related topics


Labor Type
The classification of work performed, and the time of day at which the work is performed (either normal working hours or overtime). Based on the kind of work and the hour type, you can use labor types to specify surcharges so that LN can calculate the actual labor costs in People.
Hour Type
Either Regular Time or Overtime.
Cost Rate Surcharge
LN applies this surcharge if you use the employee's cost rate to calculate labor costs in People.
Sales Rate Surcharge
LN applies this surcharge if you use the employee's sales rate to calculate labor costs in People.
Machine Rate Surcharge
LN applies this surcharge on the calculated machine costs in Manufacturing.
Overhead Surcharge
LN applies this surcharge to overhead costs in Manufacturing.
Intercompany Rate Surcharge
LN applies this surcharge to internal overhead costs for activities such as overtime, travel time, or training time.
Effective Change Order
If you use Data Management, LN enters the number of the change order that you approved to change the surcharges for the labor type, in the Change Management module.
Effective Date
The date and time from which the surcharges are valid.

The surcharge rates of each labor type are valid from the effective date and time until the expiry date and time.

If you use Data Management, LN enters the data in this field when you approve the change orders in the Change Management module.

Expired Change Order
If you use Data Management, LN enters the number of the change order that you approved to change the surcharges for the labor type, in the Change Management module.
Expiry Date
The date and time until which the surcharges are valid.

The surcharge rates of each labor type are valid from the effective date and time until the expiry date and time. The expiry date can remain empty until you enter a new effective period. You can leave a time gap between an expired effective period and a new effective period.

If you use Data Management, LN enters the data in this field when you approve the change orders in the Change Management module.


Effective Labor Types Only
Lists the labor types that are effective on the current date.
All Labor Types
Displays all labor types.