Data authorization requirements for register and approve Purchase Invoices

This table lists the financials authorization for the registered and approved purchase invoices tasks that are considered as a part of the Financials processes.

  • Only the other (secondary) attributes are listed in this table.
Authorized RolesTasksSecondary Attribute/Other AttributePermissions
Payables Administrator
  • Registers Invoices
Other Attribute
  • Business Partner
  • An employee can view and use assigned business partners.
  • Creates, maintains and finalizes cost invoices
  • Creates, maintains and finalizes registered purchase invoices
  • Matches purchase invoices
  • Approves purchase invoices
Other Attribute
  • Transaction Type
  • Ledger Accounts
    • Parent Account
  • Dimension (1-12)
    • Parent Dimension
    • Responsible Employee
  • Business Partner
  • Purchase Order
  • An employee can only create and modify financial documents in transactions types for which the employee has use-permission.
  • An employee can view and use assigned ledger accounts.
  • An employee can view and use assigned dimensions.
  • An employee can view and use assigned business partners.
  • An employee can view and use assigned purchase orders.
  • Creates, maintains, uses and reports subcontracting information
Other Attribute
  • Transaction Type
  • Business Partner
  • Project
  • An employee can only view, use and/or modify subcontractors data for assigned business partners.
  • An employee can only view, use and/or modify remittance agreements for assigned business partners.
  • When creating or modifying remittance agreements, this employee can view or use assigned projects on the remittance agreements.
  • An employee can only view subcontracting invoices for business partners with view-permission.
  • An employee can only modify subcontracting invoices for business partners with use-permission.
  • Views open entries
Other Attribute
  • Business Partner
  • An employee can only view the open entries of assigned business partners.
Department Manager / Project Manager
  • Views cost invoices and approved purchase invoices of own department or projects
Other Attribute
  • Dimension (1-12)
    • Parent Dimension
    • Responsible Employee
  • An employee can only view cost and approved purchase invoices of assigned dimensions.

Note: The above scenario is valid only in case of segment accounting and to be implemented only in segmented reports.