Data authorization requirements for Work Distribution

This table lists the production authorization for the work distribution tasks that are considered as a part of the Production processes.

  • Only the other (secondary) attributes are listed in this table.
Authorized RolesTasksSecondary Attribute/Other AttributePermissions
Production Planner
  • Releases production orders
  • Registers material to issue for production orders
  • Initiates inventory issue
Work Center
  • Enterprise Unit
  • Parent Work Center
  • Production Department
  • Manager
  • An employee can view all material issue and production orders of assigned work centers (=calculation office).
  • An employee can only release production orders, modify material for issue to production and initiate inventory issue for work centers (=calculation office) for which the employee has at least use permission.
  • Releases production schedule lines
  • Initiates schedule line material issue
Work Cell
  • Enterprise Unit
  • Production Department
  • An employee can view all production schedules and schedule lines of assigned work cells.
  • An employee can view all schedule line materials of assigned work cells.
  • An employee can only release production schedule lines and initiate schedule line material issue for work cells for which the employee has at least use permission.
  • Subcontracts operations
  • Monitors subcontracted operations
  • Monitors subcontracted operations by end item
Work Center
  • Enterprise Unit
  • Parent Work Center
  • Production Department
  • Manager
  • An employee can only create subcontract operations for production orders of work centers (=calculation office) for which the employee is assigned the use-permission.
  • The employee can only use assigned work centers for subcontracting.
  • An employee can only view subcontracted operations (by end item) of production orders of all assigned work centers (=calculation office).
  • Generates subcontracting purchase documents
PCS Project
  • Enterprise Unit
  • Calculation Office
  • Project Employee
Other object:
  • Business Partner
  • Purchase Order
  • An employee can generate purchase documents for subcontractors (=business partners) and PCS projects for which the employee has at least use permission.
  • The employee can view assigned business partners, PCS projects and production orders of assigned work centers (=calculation office).
  • The employee can only generate purchase documents for which the employee has modify permission.
  • Subcontracts production orders
Work Center
  • Enterprise Unit
  • Parent Work Center
  • Production Department
  • Manager
PCS Project
  • Enterprise Unit
  • Calculation Office
  • Project Employee
Other object:
  • Business Partner
  • Item
  • Purchase Orders
  • An employee can only subcontract production orders of assigned work centers (=calculation office) with use permission.
  • An employee can view assigned PCS projects and items.
  • An employee can only use assigned business partners.
  • The employee can only generate purchase documents for which the employee has modify permission (= error message when generating purchase documents outside the permission range).