Setting up terms and conditions

You can store terms and conditions agreed between business partners in a terms and conditions agreement.

To specify terms and conditions agreements:

Step 1. Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000)

In the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session, select the following check boxes:

Step 2. Warehouse Sets (tctrm0610m000)

To define terms and conditions for a group of warehouses, define a warehouse set and link warehouses to it in the Warehouse Sets (tctrm0610m000) session.

To automatically import warehouses into a warehouse set, use the Generate Warehouse Set (tctrm0210m000) session.

Step 3. Attribute Sets (tctrm0601m000)

For each type of terms and conditions agreement, which can be Purchase, Sales, or Internal, define an atrribute set and search attributes that must be linked to the attribute set. For search attributes (fields) not linked to an attribute set, you cannot set up terms and conditions.

If you defined a warehouse set, before you can set up its terms and conditions, you must link the warehouse set as a search attribute to the attribute set.

Step 4. Terms and Conditions Parameters (tctrm0100m000)

Use this session to do the following:

Step 5. Terms and Conditions (tctrm1600m000)

In the Terms and Conditions (tctrm1600m000) session, enter:

  • An agreement header with the type of agreement and the business partners.
  • Search levels, which include:
Step 6. Terms and Conditions Search Level (tctrm1610m000)

To start the Terms and Conditions Search Level (tctrm1610m000) session, in the Terms and Conditions (tctrm1600m000) session, double-click a search level.

Use the Terms and Conditions Search Level (tctrm1610m000) session to do the following:

  • Define a specific terms and conditions search level.
  • Link terms and conditions lines to the search level. On a terms and conditions line, you enter the values for the search attributes of a terms and conditions search level. In other words, you specify the fields to which the detailed terms and conditions, as stored in the terms and conditions groups, apply.
Step 7. Terms and Conditions Line (tctrm1620m000)

To start the Terms and Conditions Line (tctrm1620m000) session, in the Terms and Conditions Search Level (tctrm1610m000) session, double-click a line. In this session, specify the terms and conditions details agreed with your business partner.

Use the Terms and Conditions Line (tctrm1620m000) session to do the following:

  • Define a specific terms and conditions line.
  • Define the terms and conditions details for the terms and conditions groups you previously selected in the Terms and Conditions (tctrm1600m000) and Terms and Conditions Search Level (tctrm1610m000) sessions.

    You can define details regarding the following:

    • Orders
    • Schedules
    • Planning
    • Logistics
    • Invoicing
    • Demand pegging

To generate a terms and conditions agreement from a template, use the Generate Terms and Conditions from Template (tctrm2200m000) session. For more information, refer to Terms and conditions templates.