Other currency systems

The currency systems from previous versions of LN are replaced by the standard currency system. For compatibility reasons, the other currency systems are still available.

Home currencies

For the other currency systems, LN uses the currency exchange rates you link to the internal exchange rate type to convert amounts between the company's home currencies.

In the sessions that display amounts registered in more than one currency, you can choose Rotate Currency on the Tools menu to see the amounts in the different home currencies.

Reference currency

For the other currency systems, the reference currency must be one of the home currencies. LN uses the reference currency to convert amounts from the transaction currency to the home currencies:

  • In single currency systems.
  • In dependent multicurrency systems.

In independent multicurrency systems, LN converts the transaction amounts directly from the transaction currency to the home currencies.

Rate determiner

The rate determiner can have the following values:

  • Document Date
    LN uses the rate that is valid on the document's creation date/time. The Document Date rate determiner applies to all types of transactions. You can manually change the rate.
  • Manually Entered
    You can manually enter the rate. By default, LN uses the rate that is valid on the document's creation date/time. The Manually Entered rate determiner applies to all types of transactions.

For the other currency systems, the rate determiner can have various values. For more information, refer to Rate determiners.