Overview of calendar and shifts functionality

In the Calendars and Periods module, you can define and organize calendars for all parts of LN.

A calendar in LN establishes the times that resources are available.

  • Production orders can be planned on work center AA from 6 A.M. until 5 P.M.
  • Sales orders can be picked and dispatched from warehouse XY from 7 A.M. until 6 P.M.

A calendar is a combination of the following:

  • Calendar code

    Identifies the list of workable days.

    The calendar code defines the start and end dates of a period. All days within the range are potential working days, with the exception of days mentioned in the Non-working Days (tcccp0119m000) session.

    Calendar codes have a hierarchal structure. A parent calendar code provide the default date for the child. For more information, refer to Calendar code hierarchy.

  • Availability Type

    The availability type defines the general workweek: for each of the seven days, the start and end times of the working hours are specified per weekday.


Calendar codes and availability types can be combined multiple times, as long as they result in unique ID's.

Calendar usage structure

Calendars in LN can be used in a flexible way. You can either base the planning for a whole company on one calendar, or define separate calendars for a variety of resources (work centers, sales offices, employees) to plan their times individually.

You can link calendars to various levels of your organization. The company calendar is the most generic calendar at the upper level of the hierarchy. Calendars for enterprise units, departments, work centers, warehouses, and employees are more specific.

The company calendar contains working days, holidays, and working times for your entire organization. For delivery planning, link calendars to business partners and addresses. For more information, refer to Using calendars.

For each working time interval within a date that you include in a calendar, you can specify: