Generate Item Material Content (tcmpr0220m000)

Use this session to generate the material content for the materials and items specified in this session.


Clicking the Generation Results button starts the Generation Results (tcmpr0121m000) session, in which you can display a results summary of the generation process (run). Next, if you double-click a record, the Item Material Content Generation Results (tcmpr0621m000) session starts in which you can view more detailed results, such as the generated material content for all relevant items and the generation errors.

Performance aspects

The settings in this session could affect system performance and database growth.

The processing of an item structure creates additional records in the database and takes up resources.


The range of materials for which the content is generated.
Scope of Generation
Standard Items
If this check box is selected, material content is generated for all standard items.

Standard items have an item type of Manufactured or Purchased and cannot be customized or configured.

PCS Projects
If this check box is selected, item material content is generated for all customized items of PCS projects.
Project range
The range of projects for which item material content is generated.

The project or project range must have the status Active or Finished for material content to be generated. No item material content is generated for projects with the status Free, Closed, and Archived.

Engineering Modules
If this check box is selected, item material content is generated for all items of the type engineering module.
Assembly Variants
If this check box is selected, item material content is generated for product variants that are used for assembly items.

This check box is visible only if the Assembly (APL/ASC/ASL) parameter is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

Variants Range
The range of assembly product variants for which item material content is generated.

For variants with the statuses Open, Closed, and Canceled, no material content is generated.

Effectivity Unit
The effectivity unit which is applied to upon reading the product structure of the items for which the item material content must be generated.

If an effectivity unit is specified, the generated results may deviate due to exceptions in the item product structure.

Allowed values

Effectivity units

Effective Date
Specify the date for which the item material content is generated.

Materials must be effective on this date to be included in the generation process.

Skip if already Generated
If this check box is selected, all items for which item material content is already generated are skipped.
Overwrite Manual and Modified Item Material Content
If this check box is selected, manually specified or modified item material content entries are overwritten on generation.

Only applicable if manually specified item material content is present on multiple levels of the product structure.

Print Error Report
If this check box is selected, the error report for the material content list is printed.


Generates or updates the material content for the specified materials and items.