Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000)

Use this session to maintain the manufacturer. You must define manufacturers:

  • If you want to buy items that can be manufactured by alternative manufacturers.
  • If you want to group items by manufacturers.


A supplier of finished goods. User-definable item grouping data used for sorting and selecting.
Buy-from Business Partner
The supplier from whom you order items that are produced by the manufacturer.

If you procure the items from the manufacturer itself, you must define the manufacturer as a buy-from business partner. In this field, select the buy-from business partner that represents the manufacturer.

The manufacturer's address.
The default country of origin for items produced by the manufacturer. The country of origin is important for customs declarations.
Effective Date
The date and time when the manufacturer's status takes effect.
Expiry Date
The date and time till when the manufacturer's status is valid.
The reason why you set the manufacturer's status to Blocked. You can define the reason in the Reasons (tcmcs0105m000) session.
If this check box is selected, a text is present.
The manufacturer's status determines whether you can order items produced by the manufacturer.