Mask by Item/Item Group (tcibd4105s000)

Use this session to assign a mask to an item or an item group. LN uses the masks linked in this session to generate lot codes and serial numbers.

LN searches for masks successively on the item level and the item group level. If no mask is found for a specific item or item group, LN uses the mask defined on company level in the COM Parameters (tccom5000m000) session.


Item Group
The item group to which the mask is assigned.

LN uses this default mask to generate lot codes or serial numbers for the items of the item group. To define the mask for an item, you must leave this field empty.

The item to which the mask is assigned.

LN uses the mask to generate lot codes or serial numbers for the item.

If you define the default mask for an item group, you must leave this field empty.

The type of identification code for which the mask is used: serial number or lot code.
The mask assigned to the item or item group.