Planning Board Groups (tccom5100s000)

Use this session to maintain the planning board colors, fonts, and other presentation details.

LN uses these settings, for example, for production planning boards and work center planning boards for which you select this planning board group.

Scale/Milestones tab The scale factors are the numbers of planning board units used to represent a year, month, or week on the graphical planning board.

If you select more than one time scale for the planning board, the scale factor of the smallest time unit determines how the time scale is represented.

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Planning Board Group
Used to define the layout, colors and font of the graphical planning board.
Indicates if (network)relations must be shown on the graphical planning board.
Relation Drawing Method
Indicates how (network)relations are shown on the graphical planning board.
Zero Capacity
Select this check box if zero-capacity must be shown on the graphical planning board.
Select this check box if the calculated (network) float times must be shown on the graphical planning board.
Critical Path
Select this check box if the critical path determined by the network calculation must be shown on the graphical planning board.

The activities and relations of the critical path are displayed in the color you select for the critical path on the Colors tab.

Select this check box if the forecast and realized stagnation must be shown on the graphical planning board.
Font Height
The font height of the text on the planning board, specified in planning board units.
Line Height
The line height of the text on the planning board, specified in planning board units.
The background color of the graphical planning board. The next three fields display the color numbers of red, green,and blue that constitute the selected background color.
Color Number Background for Red
The color number of red used to build the selected backgound color.
Color Number Background for Green
The color number of green used to build the selected backgound color.
Color Number Background for Blue
The color number of blue used to build the selected backgound color.
The foreground color of the graphical planning board.
The color used to display the activities.
The color used to display the sub-activities.
The color used to display the part of an activity that has been reported completed.
The color used to display the (network) relations.
Inactive Relation
The color used to display the inactive (network) relations.
Critical Path
The color used to display the activities and relations of the critical path.
Selection Color
The color used to display the elements you have selected on a planning board.
Select this check box if the time scale representing calendar years must be shown on the graphical planning board.
The number of scale units used to represent a calendar year on the graphical planning board.

If you select more than one time scale for the planning board, the scale factor of the smallest time unit determines how the time scale is represented.

Select this check box if the time scale representing calendar months must be shown on the graphical planning board.
The number of scale units used to represent a calendar month on the graphical planning board.

If you select more than one time scale for the planning board, the scale factor of the smallest time unit determines how the time scale is represented.

Select this check box if the time scale representing week numbers must be shown on the graphical planning board.
The number of scale units used to represent a calendar week on the graphical planning board.

If you select more than one time scale for the planning board, the scale factor of the smallest time unit determines how the time scale is represented.

Select this check box if the time scale representing days must be shown on the graphical planning board.
Day Part
Select this check box if the time scale representing daily periods, or shifts, must be shown on the graphical planning board.
Day Part Factor
The number of daily periods or shifts to be shown on the day scale. This is only used if you have selected the Day Part check box.
Planning Horizon
The number of days of the planning horizon for the graphical planning board. This defines the work area within which you can manipulate the data.
Date Display
The way to number the days on the time scale.
Scale Unit Width
The number of planning board units in the scale unit on the planning board. One scale unit represents one day.
Default Relation Delay
Select this check box if you want to use the default float time for relations, on the planning board.
Default Step Percentage Completed
The default step size by which you can increase or decrease an activity's percentage completed on the planning board.

For example, if you enter five, the percentage completed will increase by five each time you increase an activity's percentage completed.