Distance Table by City (tccom4137s000)

Use this session to maintain the transport time and the distance between two cities.

For more information, refer to Defining distances

The distance is expressed as a time, for example, hours, days, or weeks. LN uses this information to select route plans in Freight, and to verify planned delivery days on:

  • Sales orders in the Sales Control module.
  • Purchase orders in the Purchase Control module.
  • Service orders in the Service Order Control module.

If a delivery date appears to be unrealistic, LN displays a warning message when you enter the order data.

The distance expressed as a length (for example, kilometers or miles) can be used to calculate the transport costs.

If Freight is implemented, calculation of the transportation time is based on the carrier and the routes. If Freight is not implemented, LN takes the transportation time between the ship-from business partner's address and the receiving warehouse's address, based on a relevant distance table (if available) in the Distance Table by City (tccom4137s000) session or in the Distance Table by ZIP Code/Postal Code (tccom4538m000) session. Which session bis used depends on the value of the Usage Distance Tables field in the COM Parameters (tccom0000s000) session.

For more information, refer to Defining distances

The other way

If the distance and transport time between the From and the To cities is the same each way, you only need to record it once. The distance and time between cities B and A are taken to be the same as between cities A and B, unless you define them both.


Transport Category
The mode of transport to which the distances and transport times apply.

Not Applicable indicates that the mode of transport is not relevant for the time or distance.

City From
The city from where the distance is measured.
Country From
The country in which the city from where the distance is measured is located.
State From
The state or province in which the city from where the distance is measured is located.
City To
The city to which the distance is measured.
Country To
The country in which the city to which the distance is measured is located.
State To
The state or province in which the city to which the distance is measured is located.
The distance between the two places, measured in travelling time. LN uses this information to calculate lead times for goods transport.
The unit of time in which the distance is expressed.

In addition to this data, LN requires the Time Unit for Seconds that you enter in the COM Parameters (tccom0000s000) session to calculate the estimated start times and arrival times of the goods transport.

The distance between the two places.
The unit of length in which the distance is expressed.