Validate Publishing Data Setup (tcbod0300m000)

Use this session to validates whether the LN data setup is complete to publish business object documents (BODs).

The setup can be complete, contain errors, or missing data.


You can run this session at the beginning and at the end of the LN configuration for BOD publishing. Run this session at the beginning to view the data that must be filled.


The first company in the selection range for which the data setup must be validated.
The last company in the selection range for which the data setup must be validated.
ISO codes on Countries
If this check box is selected, this session checks whether 2-alpha ISO codes for countries are set up in the Countries (tcmcs0510m000) session.
ISO codes on Languages
If this check box is selected, this session checks whether ISO codes for languages are set up in the Languages (tcmcs0146m000) session.
ISO codes on Currencies
If this check box is selected, this session checks whether ISO codes for currencies are set up in the Currencies (tcmcs0102m000) session.
ISO codes on Units
If this check box is selected, this session checks whether ISO codes for units are set up in the Units (tcmcs0101m000) session.
Unit Dimensional Relationships
If this check box is selected, this session checks whether the dimensional relationships for units are correctly specified in the Unit Dimensional Relationships (tcmcs1101m000) session.

In the AdvanceShipNotice, ItemMaster, ReceiveDelivery and the Shipment BODs, the volume units are retrieved from the Unit Dimensional Relationships (tcmcs1101m000) session.

Inventory Handling Parameters for blocking reasons
If this check box is selected, this session checks whether the Inbound Inspection Blocking Reason, Outbound Inspection Blocking Reason, and Quarantine Inventory Blocking Reason fields are filled in the Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000) session.

For financial companies, this check is not executed.

Dimension definitions
If this check box is selected, this session checks whether dimensions are available and approved in the Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000) and Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000) sessions.

This check is only executed for non-logistic companies.

Dimension mapping
If this check box is selected, this session checks whether a publication order of the dimensions is available and approved in the Mapping ERP Dimensions to Reporting Dimensions (tfbia8503m000) session.
Transaction Type mapping
If this check box is selected, this session checks whether journal types are mapped to transaction types in the Publish Financial Transactional Data (tfbia0210m000) session.
Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location
If this check box is selected, this session checks the records in the Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000) session.

The following are checked for the following record Types:

  • Master Data
    If a Master Data record is available with an empty Code, the setup is good. If no such record is present, for each noun of a business object document (BOD), a Master Data record must be available.
  • Department
    If a Department record is available with an empty Code, the setup is good. If no such record is present, a warning message is displayed.
  • Enterprise Unit
    For each enterprise unit in a company an Enterprise Unit record must be available. If not, for each Department, Warehouse, and Project, a record must be available.
BOD Implementation Registration
If this check box is selected, this session checks whether the data in the BOD Implementation Registration (bobod1100m000) session is correct.
If this check box is selected, VRC checks are executed.

This session checks whether:

  • The Business Object Documents package is installed and included in the current package combination of the user
    The package combination of the current user is retrieved from the User Data (ttaad2500m000) session. For this package combination, the Business Object Documents package must be installed in the Packages by Package Combination (ttaad1121m000) session. An error message is printed if the Business Object Documents package is not included in the current package combination of the user.
  • The correct version of the Business Object Documents package is included in the current package combination of the user
    The package combination of the current user is retrieved from the User Data (ttaad2500m000) session. For the package combination, the Version, Release, and Customer are retrieved from the Packages by Package Combination (ttaad1121m000) session for the Business Object Documents package. Based on these fields, the derivation structure for the Business Object Documents package is read in the Package VRCs (ttadv1511m000) session.
    • For Infor LN 10, an error message is printed if the Version, Release, and Customer of the Business Object Documents package are not equal to version 2.1, release b6 and customer bo in the Packages by Package Combination (ttaad1121m000) session and if, in the Package VRCs (ttadv1511m000) session, version 2.1, release b6 and customer bo are not included in the derivation structure for the Business Object Documents package.
    • For Infor LN FP6 and earlier versions, additionally, in the BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000) session, the Schema Version Mode field is checked. An error message is printed if, in the Packages by Package Combination (ttaad1121m000) session, the first three digits of the Version of the
    • Business Object Documents package or, in the Package VRCs (ttadv1511m000) session, the first three digits of any Version in the derivation structure for the Business Object Documents package are not equal to the schema version specified in the BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000) session.
  • A VRC combination is correctly defined in the Update VRC's (ttpmc2140m000) session
    Based on the package combination of the current user, the corresponding update VRC of the Business Object Documents package and the corresponding update VRC of the LN application packages, are determined in the Update VRC's (ttpmc2140m000) session.

    An error message is printed if:

    • For the Business Object Documents package, the VRC Combination for the update VRC is not filled in the Update VRC's (ttpmc2140m000) session.
    • For the LN application packages, the VRC Combination for the update VRC is not filled in the Update VRC's (ttpmc2140m000) session.
    • In the Update VRC's (ttpmc2140m000) session, the VRC Combination for the update VRC of the Business Object Documents package differs from the VRC Combination for the update VRC of the LN application packages.
Only in-use
If this check box is selected, this session checks whether the data that is being validated is in use. LN checks whether the data has references to other tables with restrictions.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth.

If this check box is selected, the available subscriptions to business object documents (BODs) in an LN company are printed.

If another application is interested in events from the company for a business object, it can subscribe to specific BODs that are sent to Infor ION.

The company for which the data is being validated.

This field is only filled during the validation process.

The data that is being validated.

This field is only filled during the validation process.


Validates the publishing data setup. The setup can be complete, or can contain errors or missing data.