Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000)

Use this session to view and maintain Non-Conforming Material Report (NCMR). NCMR is generated when the warehouse or quality inspection process is applicable for sales, purchase, production, assembly orders or warehouse transfers.


You can create NCMR manually also.

To retain the traceability, LN allows you to define a parent child relationship between two NCMRs. If you use Split NCMR, LN refers to the existing NCMR as a parent and the subsequent NCMR as a child.

You can also use the split NCR option to create individual NCRs based on the requirement, for the items in quarantine.

You can view the transaction events related to a specific item, serial or lot combination for an inspection order, order inspection and non-conformance reports in the Item, Lot and Serial Transactions (whltc3510m000) session of Warehousing.

NCR functionality is applicable for repetitive manufacturing only if the item is a repetitive item.


Non-Conformance Report
The NCMR number.

A series is required to generate the NCR. LN defaults the series specified in these session, based on this priority sequence, to generate the NCR:

  1. Quality User Profiles (qmptc0130m000) session.
  2. Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000) session.
The description or name of the code.
The status of the NCMR.

Allowed values


Item Identification
The code of the project.
The item that is the bill of material (BOM) of the manufactured item or the purchased item.
The description or name of the code.
E-Item Revision
The version or revised version of an engineering item (E-item) or a revision-controlled item. Several revisions of an E-item can exist.
Effectivity Unit
The code that is linked to an end item for identification, and which can represent the deviation(s) from the standard end item. You can link an effectivity unit to manufactured items and purchased items.

Related topics

BOM Item
The bill of material (BOM) component of the item.
Origin Order
The warehouse inspection order number on which the non-conforming material is registered.
The warehouse inspection sequence number corresponding to the warehouse inspection order number.
The order origin.

Allowed values

Order Origin

Origin Order
The originating order number.

This is not applicable for the order origin Storage Inspection.

The position number of the originating order line to which inspection order is linked.

This is not applicable if NCMR is created for production operations or storage inspections.

The sequence number of the order.
Planned Delivery Date
The planned delivery date on the originating order.
The operation number for which NCMR is being generated. The quality inspection must take place during or after the operation is performed.
Business Partner
The code of the business partner specified on the order.
The description or name of the code.
The code of the warehouse in which non-conformance material is located.
The description or name of the code.
The location of the warehouse where the non-conforming material is identified.

If the Order Origin is Not Applicable and Warehouse field is blank, any value can be entered.

Non-Conforming Material
The disposition code linked to the non conformance report.

This field is available only if the Configurable Material Disposition Codes check box in the Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000) session, is selected.

Skill Required
The specific know-how or technical expertise that is required to carry out activities. For example, knowledge of electricity, specific equipment, and so on.
The description or name of the code.
Actual Employee
The employee responsible for the disposition.
Time Estimate
The estimated time required to plan the disposition.
Time Unit
The unit in which the estimated time is expressed.
The description or name of the code.
Planned Start Date
The planned date on which the user initiates the disposition plan.
Planned Completion Date
The planned date for the completion of the disposition plan.
Skill Required - Non Material
The specific know-how or technical expertise that is required to carry out activities. For example, knowledge of electricity, specific equipment, and so on.
Assigned Employee - Non Material
The employee responsible for the disposition.
Time Estimate - Non Material
The estimated time required to plan the disposition.
Time unit - Non Material
The unit in which the estimated time is expressed.
Planned Start Date - Non Material
The planned date on which the user initiates the disposition plan.
Planned Completion Date - Non Material
The planned date for the completion of the disposition plan.
Parent NCMR
The code of the NCMR. LN populates the data in this field only if a parent NCMR exists.
The NCM quantity that must be inspected.
The unit in which the NCM quantity is expressed.
Non-Conforming Type
The non-conformance category.
The severity level of the non-conformance found during inspection.
Reject Reason
The code of the reason for rejection as defined in Warehousing inspection or Quality inspection.
The description or name of the code.
The reason for the non-conformance disposition.
To Item
The code of the item to which the non-conforming item is re-classified to or reworked into.

This field is available only if the Disposition is set to re-classify or rework to new specifications.

The description or name of the code.
The description or name of the code.
Internal Contact Details
Work Center
The code of the department linked to the non conformance report.
Work Center
The code of the work center of the operation where the non-conformance is identified.
The description or name of the code.
Non material Severity
The severity level of non conformance. The Default value is minor.

Allowed values


The additional information regarding the identified non conformance.
The additional information regarding the attributes such as standard policy, procedure, work instruction that are not conforming.
Objective Evidence
The additional information regarding identified non-conformance including the specific order details and additional comments.
Internal Text
The additional internal information regarding the identified non conformance.
Review Board
Review Board
The code of the MRB that is responsible for the disposition of the material after inspection.
The code of the employee responsible for the disposition of NCMR.
The description or name of the code.
MRB Responsiblefor Disposition
If this check box is selected, the disposition of the material is the responsibility of the MRB.
PlannedReview Date
The date for future reviews of the NCMR, if any.
Description of Material Non-Conformance
Description of Material Non-Conformance
The detailed description related to the non-conformance.
Sold-to Business Partner(Waiver)
The code of the sold-to business partner who provides the waiver for the disposition actions on NCMR.
The description or name of the code.
Waiver Required
If this check box is selected, waiver is required from the sold-to business partner.
Sold-to Business Partner(Waiver)
The date on which waiver is received from the sold-to business partner.
CustomerItem CodeSystem

This field is enabled only if the Waiver Required check box is selected.

Cross Reference Item
The internal item code for which the external business partner item code is stored. The internal item code and external item code refer to the same item.

This field is enabled only if you specify item code system in the CustomerItem CodeSystem field.

Document Number
The waiver document number.
DocumentReceived Date
The date and time on which the waiver document is received.
The code of the cause for non-conformance as observed by the MRB.
The description or name of the code.
Non-ConformingMaterial Responsible
The code of the user responsible for non-conformance.
The description or name of the code.
ResponsibleBusiness Partner
The business partner responsible for non-conformance.
SupplierItem CodeSystem

This field is enabled only if the Waiver Required check box is selected.

Cross Reference Item
The internal item code for which the external business partner item code is stored. The internal item code and external item code refer to the same item.

This field is enabled only if you specify item code system in the SupplierItem CodeSystem field.

The kind of action that must be taken, based on NCMR analysis.

Allowed values


DispositionOrder Origin
The order type created to execute the disposition.

Allowed values

Order Origin

Disposition Order
The number of the disposition order created to carry out the disposition.
DispositionOrder Status
The status of the disposition order created to carry out the disposition.
DispositionOrder Position
The position number of the disposition order line.
Corrective Action Plan
The corrective action plan (CAP) initiated to avoid the non-conformity in future.
Non-Material Disposition
The code of the cause for non-material non-conformance as observed by the MRB.
The code of the user responsible for non-material non-conformance.
The disposition code linked to the non-material non conformance report.
The description or name of the code.
Corrective Action Plan
The corrective action plan (CAP) initiated, to avoid non-material non-conformance in future.
Disposition Text
Non-Material Additional Details
The additional information related to non material non conformance.
Outgoing Waiver
Buy From Business Partner
The code of the buy-from business partner to whom the waiver is sent.
  • This field is mandatory if the Required check box is selected.
  • You must specify a value for this field before the status of the non-conformance report is set to Dispositioned.
If this check box is selected, the waiver must be sent to the buy-from business partner.
Document Sent Date
The date and time on which the waiver document is sent.
  • This field is mandatory if the Required check box is selected.
  • You must specify a value for this field before the status of the non-conformance report is set to Dispositioned.
Document Number
The waiver document number.
  • This field is mandatory if the Required check box is selected.
  • You must specify a value for this field before the status of the non-conformance report is set to Dispositioned.
Reported By
The ID of the user who created the NCMR.
Reported Date
The date on which the NCMR is created.
Last Submitted By
The ID of the user who submits the NCMR.
Submitted Date
The date on which the NCMR is submitted.
Last Assigned By
The ID of the user who assigns the NCMR.
Assigned Date
The date on which the NCMR is assigned.
Last Dispositioned By
The ID of the user who dispositions the NCMR.
Disposition Date
The date on which the NCMR is dispositioned.
Last Reset By
The ID of the user who resets the NCMR.
Reset Date
The date on which the NCMR is reset.
Last Split By
The ID of the user who splits the NCMR.
Split Date
The date on which the NCMR is split.
Closed By
The ID of the user who closes the NCMR.
Closed Date
The date on which the NCMR is closed.
Cancelled By
The ID of the user who cancels the NCMR.
Cancelled Date
The date on which the NCMR is cancelled.
Child Non-Conformance Report
The code of the child NCMR.

LN generates this ID from the parent NCMR ID when you use the Split NCR option.

The description or name of the code.
The status of the child NCMR.

Allowed values



Filter by Status
Sorts the NCM reports by the status.
View All
Displays the NCM reports of all status.
Displays the NCM reports with the status Open only.
Displays the NCM reports with the status Submitted only.
Displays the NCM reports with the status Assigned only.
Displays the NCM reports with the status Dispositioned only.
Displays the NCM reports with the status Cancelled only.
Displays the NCM reports with the status Closed only.
Cancels the Non Conformance Report. LN displays a message to confirm the cancellation. Click Yes to cancel the NCM Report.
Reset Status to
Resets the status of the Non Conformance Report to Open or Submitted.
The NCMR is submitted to the MRB.
The NCMR is assigned to a member of MRB.
The NCMR is closed.
Material Non-Conformance
The corrective action plan (CAP) is generated for the selected NCMR.
Lots / Serials / Stock Point Details