Glossary for Quality

accept quantity
The part of the sample quantity accepted after testing.
The refurbishing of an instrument to make it fit for use.
chart type
The chart type determines what the chart looks like. For example, it defines the type of graph, the thickness of lines, the size of bars, and the colors. The following default chart types are present in LN:
  • Bar
  • Layer
  • Line
  • Pie
  • Scatter
  • Stacked bar
code letter
Letters used to determine the various code letters that are applicable for a sampling rule.
code letter table
The table used to determine the various code letter applicable for a sampling rule. The table groups together the various code letters.
corrective action plan (CAP)
The plan that details the actions performed to prevent recurrence of non-conformance or failure. The plan is based on the non-conformance material report (NCMR).
Detection Controls
Indicates the controls used to identify a cause, failure mode, or an effect.
An effect is the consequence of the failure on the system.
Indicates the way in which the algorithm value is calculated. You can define an expression that contains variables with different characteristic units.

You can calculate the content of a barrel by entering the following expression:

Area (in cm2) * Height (in meters)

However, make sure that you convert the expression to the algorithm unit that you enter in the Algorithm Unit field. For example, if you enter cm3 in the Algorithm Unit field, you must enter the following expression in the Expression field:

Area (in cm2) * Height (in meters) * 100
Failure Mode
The mode in which an item or operation fails to meet or deliver the intended functions and associated requirements.
The interval between two samples, expressed in the frequency unit.

Explanation: A new sample of 10 pieces is drawn for every 100 pieces. In this case there will be 11 samples of 10 pieces.

Sample10 pieces
Frequency100 pieces
Order quantity1150 pieces


frequency unit
The unit in which the sample size is expressed.
inspection level
The level at which inspections are conducted.
inspection order
An order used to structure the inspection of products that are purchased, produced, or sold.
inspection severity
The severity of the inspection that the item requires. You can manually and/or automatically increase or decrease the inspection severity level relating to an item characteristic based on actual inspection results. You can set the severity level to one of the following:
  • Normal
  • Reduced
  • Tightened
inspection standard
The standards (Example ISO, DIN, MIL and so on) used to test one or more characteristics of a product, to determine if conformity is achieved for each characteristic.
The number of times a process is repeated to ensure that inspection standards are met.
non-conformance material report (NCMR)
The report that identifies non-conformance of material during QM/warehousing inspection or during the movement of the materials and/or when the material is in stock.
Occurrence is the likelihood of the fault and the associated cause exists in the item being analyzed.
option set
A group of possible values of a characteristic. For each value (option) you can indicate whether it is acceptable or not.

The options blue and red form an option set

CharacteristicpH value
TestLitmus test
Optionsblue = acceptable
red = not acceptable


An integrated module or package to which an (inspection) order is related.
quality combination
The conditions that determine the generation of inspection orders, and how the inspections are carried out.

A quality combination links the following information:

  • The module or package that is the origin of the quality inspections.
  • The item or quality group to which the quality inspections apply.
  • The quality requirements that must be met (defined in the quality ID).
Recommended Actions
The tasks or activities recommended to reduce or eliminate the risk associated with potential causes of failure.
reject quantity
The part of the sample quantity rejected after testing.
Risk Priority Number
A numerical ranking of the risk of each potential failure and the cause. The number comprises of severity of the effect, the likelihood of occurrence of the failure and the likelihood of detection of the failure.
Risk Priority Number(RPN)= Severity Ranking * Occurence Ranking * Detection Ranking
sampling iterations
The number of iterations required to complete the sampling process.
sampling plan
A plan used to define:
  • Sample (quantity) size to be tested.
  • Standard of inspections to be followed.
  • The severity of the inspection that the item requires.
sampling rule
The rules that are based on sampling plans. The rules define how and when samples are taken and the sample and accept/reject criteria.
The sequence number of the inspection order on the basis of which characteristics are tested on different samples.
serial number
A unique number generated by LN to distinguish between the different measurements you can take in one sample quantity. The number of measurements is based on the test quantity.
Sample quantity100 pieces
Test quantity20 pieces


Explanation: You need to do 5 tests on 20 pieces to get a sample quantity of 100 pieces (100/20=5). Consequently, 5 test lines will be generated, each with a unique serial number.

The severity associated with the most serious effect for a failure mode.
standard test procedure
The code to which data is linked that is necessary to check the quality requirements of an item. Since one standard test procedure can be used for a group of products that require the same quality standards and tests, a standard test procedure can considerably reduce time.
A structure is a combination of either a system or a sub-system, and a fault code. This structure can be linked to various combinations of systems/subsystems and faults.
test group
The definition of how often you take samples to test an order quantity, and what the sample size is.
test quantity
The part of the sample quantity that is tested. Example: A 5 kg sample will be tested by testing 1 kg at a time.
A code that holds the value of a aspect or characteristic. This value will be used in the expression of an algorithm to calculate the value of another aspect or characteristic.