Freight order types by order origin and shipping office

For each combination of order origin, shipping office and originating order type, you can specify a freight order type. The purpose is to determine the freight order type that a freight order must obtain when the freight order is created from an originating order of the origin, originating order type and shipping office that you specify in this session. Note that if you do not use shipping office matrices, the shipping offices that you select must be linked to the warehouse allocated to the originating order.


A typical combination can be as follows:

  • Order origin
  • Shipping office
    Europe Road
  • Sales order type
    Standard Sales
  • Freight order type
    Standard Road

As a result, when LN creates a freight order for a sales order that has sales order type Standard Sales, the freight order type of the freight order will be Standard Road. If freight order type Standard Road has default values, these default values are automatically added to the freight order.