
Freight rates are based on distances and zones, and a few other optional elements, such as weight, service level, or carrier. The distances are defined by the distances entered in the Freight Rate Books (tdpcg0150m000) session of Pricing and by the zones defined in Freight.


A zone includes these elements:

  • Zone identification
    The code and description of the zone.
  • Zone type
    The type of zone, which can be set to ZIP, City, or Distance.
  • Carrier
    Carriers can use their own zone system, on which they base their rates. You can specify a carrier to indicate that a zone is only used by that particular carrier.
  • Zone information
    The details, such as the origin and destination countries, zip code ranges, cities, or distances, that make up the zone. The Zone Type of a Zone determines the type of zone information of which a zone consists.
How to define zones
  1. In the Zones by Zone Type and Carrier/LSP (fmfrc1110m000) session, define the following data:
    1. The Zone Type. To select a Zone Type, click the New Group button on the toolbar.
    2. The Carrier/LSP, if required.
    3. The code and the description of the Zone. To add a code and a description, click the New Record button on the toolbar.
  2. Start the Zones by ZIP (fmfrc1120m000) session, the Zones by City (fmfrc1130m000) session, or the Zones by Distance (fmfrc1140m000) session to enter the relevant zone information.

The Zones by ZIP (fmfrc1120m000) session and the Zones by City (fmfrc1130m000) session enable you to enter an unlimited number of ZIP code or city ranges for a single zone. Very large zones can be difficult to maintain.

The use of zones

Zones by ZIP, by City, and by Distance are used to define freight rates. In the Freight Rate Books (tdpcg0150m000) session, the code of a zone is linked to a freight amount. As a result, all goods transports that take place in regions that are within the zip code ranges, the city ranges, or the distance defined for the zone, have the same basic rate. The other factors that make up the freight rate, such as basic weight or carrier must also apply.


You cannot select zone codes of the Distance type in the Freight Rate Books (tdpcg0150m000) session. To define a freight rate by Obsolete in the Freight Rate Books (tdpcg0150m000) session, you must manually enter a distance and the pertaining freight amount. LN links the manually specified distance to the corresponding zone by Distance defined in Common.