Supported messages

LN supports messages such as displayed in the table. The table includes the transaction set codes, or message codes, to which these messages correspond for the indicated EDI standards.

EDI Standard Message
Remittance Advice820REMADVREMADV4907in only
Purchase Order850ORDERSORDERR4925in/out
PO Acknowledgment855ORDRSPCONFOR4926in/out
Advance Ship Notice856DESADCAVIEXP4913in/out
PO Change860ORDCHGREPORD4906/4908in/out
PO Change Acknowl.865-CONFOR4926in/out


Each message has a code that relates to a particular standard. For example, ORDERS is the code used for the UN/ EDIFACT purchase order, and 850 is the code used for the ANSI X12 purchase order.

Each standard has its own identification method for defining the name of the message.

This naming convention is maintained in the default data. You can easily identify the LN message with the EDI standard name for X12 and EDIFACT. The message names can be customized.