Message Data

For outgoing EDI messages, the EDI message data includes the collected message data for which the outgoing ASCII files are not yet generated. For these outgoing EDI messages, you can display and remove any messages to be generated.

For incoming EDI messages, the EDI message data includes the incoming EDI messages (ASCII files) that were not successfully processed and updated into the ERP application.

Incoming EDI messages are unsuccessfully processed for one of the following reasons:

  • Errors
    The errors occurred during the validation process. The data that contains the errors must be corrected prior to reprocessing the message.
  • Interactive Review
    The message for the business partner is set up for interactive review. In this case, the message data must be approved prior to validating and processing the message.

For these incoming EDI messages, you can display, report, maintain and approve the data as well as view any associated errors and warnings. You cannot reprocess these EDI messages until they are approved. If you do not want to reprocess these messages, you can delete the saved messages to be received.