Defining and assigning areas

All directories accessed from document management must be registered as areas. The directories include the directories in which users edit files, as well as the directories that document management uses to store protected files.


Files are protected when they are moved to a vault area during the approval process of a document revision.

The ERP administrator can use the Areas (dmdoc5120m000) session to register areas .

Types of area

When an area is registered, the area is assigned an area type, which identifies the purpose for which the area is used. The following area types are used in document management:

  • Work: Files undergoing edit are stored here.
  • Vault: Files are stored here after being submitted for review and released.

Dynamic Host functionality is useful for users who work on a computer that does not have a fixed IP address or host name. The Dynamic Host must be defined for only Work area and is applicable only for the local work area. The concept does not involve remote work area concept.

Assigning different types of areas

The ERP administrator assigns at least one work area to each user who works with the files. You can assign multiple work areas to the same user, and multiple users can be assigned to the same work area. To assign work areas, you can use the Work Area Assignments (dmdoc5130m000) session.


You must make backups for files in the work and vault areas. This task is the responsibility of the network system administrator and is not handled by the Document Management module.