Item definition in Enterprise Planning

Enterprise Planning allows a very flexible definition of item codes using segmentation.

An administrator must define the item segmentation, before you can use Enterprise Planning.

Currently Enterprise Planning supports the following logical segments:

The item-base segment is mandatory.

With the optional cluster segment you can model items by warehouse (or groups of warehouses). So, the cluster segment is necessary if you want to have distribution planning functionality.

With the optional project segment you can define project items.

You can define anything between 1 and 3 segments. Item code segments have the following order:

  • Cluster
  • Project
  • Item
How to define the item-code segments

The segment definition cannot be changed easily afterwards. So be careful when you specify the segments!

You define the segments in the Segmented Domains (ttgfd4122m000) session and the Item Code Segmentation (tcibd0500m000) session.

  • Domains

    The segments must correspond to the domain definition of related domains. This is extremely important. This means that the conversion (upper, lower case), alignment and length of the segment and its related domain must be the same.

    • The item-base segment must correspond to the definition of the cpitem domain.
    • The cluster segment must correspond to the definition of the tcemm.clus domain.
    • The project segment must correspond to the definition of the tccprj domain.
  • Other packages

    The item-base segment in Enterprise Planning must have the same length as the item-base segment in the other packages.