Copy Sales Budget to Demand Forecast (cpdsp1280m000)

Use this session to copy the sales budgets to the demand data of the item master plan or channel master plan.

You can copy the sales budget data to the Demand Forecast field or to the Extra Demand field in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session or the Channel Master Plan (cpdsp5130m000) session.

You can define sales budgets in Statistics.

If you make an entry in the Channel field, LN copies the sales budgets to the channel master plans. The selection criteria in the Statistics Budgets (tdsta2103m000) session determine to which channel LN copies the sales budget.

If you leave the Channel field empty, LN copies the sales budgets to the item master plans.

Enter the sort code to select a sales budget.

LN copies the sales budget in four steps:

  1. LN converts the range of dates that you entered to a range of plan periods.
  2. LN converts the range of plan periods to a range of time periods of the sales budget.
  3. LN calculates the sales budget by day for every date in the time period.
  4. LN converts the sales budget per day to the plan periods of the scenario.


The scenario for which you want to copy the budgeted quantities of the selected plan items to the demand forecast.
Specify the sort code of the sales budget for which you want to copy the budgeted quantities to the Demand Forecast field or to the Extra Demand field in the Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000) session or in the Channel Master Plan (cpdsp5130m000) session.

When you define a sort code that you want to use to copy sales budgets to the demand forecast, in the Sort Sequence group of the Statistics Sorts (tdsta1100m000) session, set the first Sort Attribute field to Item, and leave the rest blank.


LN only copies the budgeted quantities for the specified range of plan items if they have a sales budget with the sort code that you specify in this field.

From Plan Item
Specify the first of a range of plan items for which you want to copy the budgeted quantities to the Demand Forecast field in the item master plan or in the channel master plan.

LN only copies the budgeted quantities to the demand forecast for the plan items that have a sales budget with the specified sort code.

To Plan Item
Specify the last of a range of plan items for which you want to copy the budgeted quantities to the Demand Forecast field in the item master plan or in the channel master plan.

LN only copies the budgeted quantities to the demand forecast for the plan items that have a sales budget with the specified sort code.

Specify the channel that you want to use as a criterion to select channeled plan items for which LN must copy the budgeted quantities to the Extra Demand field of the Channel Master Plan (cpdsp5130m000) session.

If you leave this field empty LN copies the sales budgets to the forecast fields of the item master plans.

The start date of the period of which you want to copy the sales budgets.

LN shifts the date that you specified in the Date Date field to the start date of the plan period in which the date falls. The end date of the specified period is extended to the end date of the plan period in which it falls.

In addition, LN applies a conversion method to convert the sales budgets to day quantities, because plan periods in Enterprise Planning do not run parallelly with the time periods of sales budgets.

The end date of the period of which you want to copy the sales budgets.

LN shifts the date that you specified in the Date To field to the end date of the plan period in which the date falls. The start date of the specified period is extended to the start date of the plan period in which it falls.

In addition, LN applies a conversion method to convert the sales budgets to day quantities, because plan periods in Enterprise Planning do not run parallelly with the time periods of sales budgets.

Copy to Extra Demand
If this check box is selected, LN copies the sales budget data to the Extra Demand field instead of to the Demand Forecast field.


Starts the copying process.