Possible Values

  • Percentage

    The Sourcing Percentage field in the Item - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session determines the volume that is ordered from a supplier. The Percentage field in the Supplying Relationships (cprpd7130m000) session determines the volume that is ordered through a supplying relationship.

  • Percentage/Capable

    The volume is based on a percentage with a maximum of the capability.

  • Capability

    The volume that is ordered from a supplier is constrained by the supplier's capability to deliver. The volume that is ordered from a cluster is constrained by the supplying relationship's capability to deliver.

    A supplying cluster's capability is determined with capable-to-promise techniques.

  • Historic Percentage

    (Can only be selected if supply type is Purchase). LN distributes the required quantity over the external suppliers according to a predefined percentage for each supplier, taking past purchase orders into account.