Printing texts

If you print records that can have text attached, the Print session usually includes a Text check box. If you select the Text check box, the text is printed on the document.

One document can include more than one type of text. For example, if you print an order, the header text is printed at the top of the document over the order header.

If text is attached to the records (the order lines), the result is as follows:

  • Header text
  • Order header
  • Order line 1
  • Text of order line 1
  • Order line 2
  • Text of order line 2
  • Order line 3
  • Text of order line 3
  • ....
  • Footer
  • Footer text
Printing text on internal documents

Normally, the text is printed on internal as well as external documents. However, when you edit text you can indicate that text is for external use, or for internal use, as follows:

Internal = <

  • Text lines preceded by a less than [<] sign are only printed on internal documents.

External = >

  • Text lines preceded by a greater than [>] sign are only printed on external documents.