Creating an LN user

To work with the LN application, a user must have an operating system user account and password, a database user account and password, an LN user account, and the proper LN authorizations. The authorizations are dependent on the user's role in the organization.

You can use the User Management module of the Enterprise Server to define the LN user and the LN authorizations.

Use the following procedure:

  • Create an Operating System user by using an appropriate Operating System Management Tool. Example tools are: SAM (HP-UX), SMIT (IBM-AIX), Computer Management (Windows). This task is normally done by the Operating System Administrator.
  • Define role-dependent authorizations and non-role-dependent authorizations and templates by using the appropriate Authorization Management System (AMS) sessions. Example sessions are: Session Authorizations, Database Authorizations, Developer Authorization template. This task is normally done by the LN Administrator.
  • Create an LN user by using the User Data session. With this session you can specify System Data fields like user code, user name, user type (Super user or Normal user), Operating System account. You can also link Roles (Authorizations) and Templates (Authorizations and Default user settings) to the user with this session. This task is normally done by the LN Administrator.
  • Convert user to runtime DD by using the 将更改的用户数据转换为运行时数据字典 (ttams2200m000) session. The converted user is stored in the $BSE/lib/user directory of the LN server.
  • Create a Database user by using the 将 Infor LN 用户转换为数据库用户 (ttdba0915m000) session. To run this session you will be asked for a Database Administrator account and password.