Possible values

  • 自由

    The job’s basic data is defined and the job is ready to be started.

    You can start the job in the following ways:

    • Use the 激活作业 (ttaad5203m000) session.
    • Use the rc.startjob shell command (UNIX platform)
    • Use the startjob.bat batch file (Windows platform)
  • 运行

    The job is started and is running.

  • 等待

    The job is started and is waiting to be carried out at the next execution date and time.


    A job with the Waiting status will not be started by the job daemon: the Job Daemon only starts jobs with the In queue status.

  • 正在队列中

    The job is queued and will be started automatically when the job daemon runs.

    To queue a job, use the 作业排队 command in the 作业数据 (ttaad5500m000) session.

  • 已冻结

    The job is blocked and cannot be started.

    Before you can restart the job, you must release the job, to change the job's status to Free. To release a job, use the 下达作业 command in the 作业数据 (ttaad5500m000) session.

  • 已取消

    The job has been stopped with the 取消作业 (ttaad5204m000) session. A job is also canceled when the 最大持续时间 is exceeded.

    Before you can restart the job, you must release the job, to change the job's status to Free. To release a job, use the 下达作业 command in the 作业数据 (ttaad5500m000) session.

  • 运行时错误

    This status signals an error during the execution of the job. You can use the 打印作业历史记录 (ttaad5411m000) session to print the corresponding error messages.

    Before you can restart the job, you must release the job, to change the job's status to Free. To release a job, use the 下达作业 command in the 作业数据 (ttaad5500m000) session.