formal to actual definitions

The formal identification of a business process is a reference to a specific version of an actual business process. When you have created a formal identification for an actual business process you can create formal identifications for its external states and workflow attributes.

Formal identifications must be used in session scripts to reference a business process, external state or workflow attribute.

The main reasons for using formal identifications is that they are maintained at one location outside the session scripts and business processes. At implementation you have the flexibility to define the business processes to which the formal identifications must refer.

You can create a formal identification for a business process and the external states and workflow attributes of a business process.

The session can only be started if the Workflow enabled field in the 动态企业建模参数 (tgbrg0135s000) session is set to modeling.

To be able to define formal identifications for the workflow attributes and external states of a business process, you first need to define a formal identification for the business process itself.

  • The name of the formal business process is free. However, to identify one, you are adviced use the package and module code as the first characters of the formal business process name.
  • Be aware that the formal identification of a business process is a reference to a business process version. So, if the version of an actual business process changes, the reference in the formal identification must also be modified to this new version. Of course, situations can occur in which you first want to change a whole lot of business processes before they become active.