按项目模型列出的业务流程 (tgbrg4560m000)

使用此进程以 build a business-process model by importing business processes from the repository. These business processes were initially created in the 业务流程 (tgbrg5500m000) session.

Start the 按项目模型列出的业务流程 (tgbrg4160s000) session to display and maintain the business-process details.


The value of this field depends on the selection you make in the 按项目模型列出的优化阶段 (tgbrg4530m000) session. The selection serves as a filter for the number of business processes that are displayed in the current session.

Only those business processes are shown that are linked to the selected optimization phase or are not linked to any optimization phase at all.


If you set all optimization phases as current, all available business processes are shown.

Use the 按业务流程列出的优化阶段 (tgbrg4140m000) session to maintain phases by business processes.

Business processOptimization phase
A, B1
A, B, and C2
A, D3


Based on this combination of business processes and optimization phases, the consequences for the current session are: If the value of the current field is 1, only business processes A and B are listed in the current session.

If the value of the current field is all, business processes A, B, C, and D are listed.

The version you currently use to create and modify model items.
Model Type
A model that represents a specific organization.

. A project model is built from a library (repository) of the following model items:

  • business-control model
  • business-function model
  • business-process model
Project Model
The description or name of the project model.
A group of model items that share some characteristics, such as the customer, owner, and effective date.
The description or name of the version.
A number that determines the sequence in which records are displayed in an overview session or list box.

If a business process is added to a business model, the sequence number is automatically increased by one. This value can be overwritten.

Use the 展开流程结构 command and the 折叠流程结构 command to number the business processes in such a way that they indicate which subprocesses belong to which (main) process. For example, the subprocesses of (main) process 10 are numbered 11, 12, 13 ,and so on.

A set of one or more activities and states that collectively realize a business objective.
如果选中此复选框, the business process is a so-called nested process. This means that the process is incorporated into another process. A subprocess is not shown at the top level of the process browser.

For more information, see the 活动类型 field in the 业务流程活动 (tgbrg5122s000) session.

The description or name of the business process.
如果选中此复选框,repository Help is available.
如果选中此复选框,model-specific Help is available.


If you click this button (or command), the Enterprise Modeler Editor is started so that you can view the selected business process or edit the model specific details.
If you click this button (or command), the repository Help that is linked to the selected business process is displayed.
If you click this button (or command), the Text Editor is started so that you can create model-specific Help.
If you click this button (or command), the model-specific Help is displayed.
If you click this button (or command), the 按业务流程列出的优化阶段 (tgbrg4140m000) session is started, which you can use to link one or more optimization phases to the selected business process.
If you click this button (or command), the 按项目模型列出的优化阶段 (tgbrg4530m000) session is started, which you can use to select an optimization phase(s) that will serve as the current optimization phase(s).
If you click this button (or command), the subprocesses that are linked to the selected business process are displayed. If you do not select a business process, all subprocesses in the project model are displayed.
If you click this button (or command), the subprocesses are removed from the list. Select the 展开流程结构 command to view the subprocesses again.
If you click this button (or command), the 按业务模型按业务流程列出的角色 (tgbrg3540m000) session is started, which you can use to link one or more roles to the selected business process.
If you click this button (or command), the enterprise modeler browser is started, which graphically displays the selected business process. If you do not select a business processes, all business processes are displayed.

By means of the Enterprise modeler browser you can start the Enterprise Modeler Editor and view the details of business processes.

If you click this button (or command), the 按项目模型转换功能模型至流程模型 (tgbrg4200m000) session is started, which you can use to automatically incorporate relevant business processes from the repository into the current business model on the basis of transformation rules.
Import Range of Business Processes
If you click this button (or command), the 导入指定范围的业务流程 (tgbrg3260m000) session is started, which you can use to import a range of business processes from the repository into the selected business model.
If you click this button (or command), all optimization phases are set as current.
If you click this button (or command), the parameter sequence numbers are renumbered by a multiple of 10.