To set up Swiss payment slips for purchase invoices


To set up payment slips for Swiss banks for purchase invoices, in addition to the steps described in 设置销售发票的付款单, you must set up the following details:

  • 公司参数 (tfgld0503m000)
    Set the 银行参考检查 field to Modulo 10 (Recursive) Check.
  • 付/收款方式 (tfcmg0140s000)

    Clear the 贷方票据允许负付款额 check box.

    In the 付(收)款报告组 field, select 44 (DTA).

    For Swiss payment slips, select the following check boxes:

    • 要求过帐数据
    • 使用国际银行帐户
    • 需要银行帐户
  • 付款授权 (tfcmg1100m000)
    Define the users who are authorized to make the payments. In the 付款人标识 field, you must enter the DTA submitter's identification defined in your DTA contract with the bank relation.
  • 按国别列出的银行参考位置 (cisli1130m000)

    Define the start positions and the lengths of the various fields required to generate the bank reference number on the payment slip.

    For Swiss payment slips, define the positions of the following fields:

    • The transaction type
    • The document number
    • The company ID
    • The pay-by business partner code