To set up monthly billing invoices


Invoicing and payments in Japan

To handle invoicing and payments by your customers according to Japanese business practice, set up the following functionality:

To set up paying your suppliers according to Japanese business practice, you can define payment agreements as described in 使用付款协议.

Summary of parameters

The setup of Invoicing and payments in Japan includes setting the following parameters:

Customer approval已实施的软件组件 (tccom0100s000)客户核准
Payment agreements集团公司参数 (tfgld0101s000)付款协议
Monthly billing invoices 集团公司参数 (tfgld0101s000)月开票发票
应收帐款参数 (tfacr0100s000)在集团公司生成 MBI
Invoices and Receipts by shipment现金管理参数 (tfcmg0100s000)按装运列出的收据


To set up monthly billing invoices for customers

To set up the generation of monthly billing invoices for your customers, use the following sequence of sessions:

  1. 集团公司参数 (tfgld0101s000)
    On the 说明 tab, select the 月开票发票 check box.
  2. 结算方法 (tcmcs2105m000)
    Define the required closing methods for the generation of monthly billing invoices.
  3. 应收帐款参数 (tfacr0100s000)

    Set the following parameters:

    • 在集团公司生成 MBI
      To generate the monthly billing invoices centrally for all the companies of the financial company group, select the check box. 如果选中此复选框, you can only generate monthly billing invoices if you work in the group company. To generate the monthly billing invoices individually in each company, clear the check box.
    • 编号组
      The number group LN uses to generate document numbers for monthly billing invoices.
    • 默认系列
      The default series LN uses to generate document numbers for monthly billing invoices.
  4. 发票接受方业务伙伴 (tccom4112s000)
    For invoice-to business partners to which you want to send monthly billing invoices, select the 发送 MBI check box. In the 结算方法 field, you must select a closing method.
  5. 发票接受方业务伙伴月开票发票系列 (tfacr0109m000)
    For each invoice-to business partner, you can select a specific series for the document numbers for the monthly billing invoices, if you choose. The series must belong to the number group for monthly billing invoices that you entered in the 应收帐款参数 (tfacr0100s000) session, and overrules the default series. You can only select a series if the series length of the number group is greater than zero.