To define a calendar

To define a job calendar:

  1. Start the Календари (ttaad5106m000) session.
  2. On the Файл menu, click New.
  3. Enter the calendar code and a description, and save the changes.

To specify the job's execution dates and times:

  1. Start the Даты по календарю (ttaad5107m000) session.
  2. On the Группа menu, click New.
  3. Enter the calendar code in the Calendar Code field. You can also click the browse arrow and then select the calendar from the Календари (ttaad5106m000) session.
  4. For each date and time that you want to specify:
    • On the Файл menu, click New.
    • Enter the date and the time. See Ввод даты for details. LN enters the date's weekday and the week number.